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How progress with low back pain is made...

Teaching a client how to improve low back pain
A low back pain session

Just how is low back pain improved? To find the answers to this we must look at the probable causes. Bearing in mind that the majority of low back pain is classified as "non-specific" this means there is no specific diagnosable cause hence there are commonly more than one or multiple "factors" that bring about the onset of low back pain.

Lack of physical activity is usually the common denominator which is why exercise os the correct pathway to effectively manage and make improvements to symptoms. It is important that only specialist exercise instructors in low back pain are used to deliver appropriate exercise programming..... as in depth knowledge and experience is needed.


Possibly but in many cases no. Physiotherapists and many other kinds of therapist often don't have the exercise instruction skills to deliver effective programs and tend to cover many areas of the body in a clinical setting.. whereas an exercise specialist is more specific.

Some therapists haven't fully learnt or know how to utilise exercise fully and still rely on "passive treatments" which do little to help the patient by providing what is actually needed. Self supporting physical activity.

Lying on a bench receiving passive treatments does little for low back pain in the long term (although temporary feel good relief may be experienced) and more than likely end up with endless return visits without actually tackling the back problem.

In many cases, a physiotherapist will refer their patients to specialist exercise instructors. Graham Fit Personal Training has recieved such referrals over the years. Sometimes a client will also continue to visit their therapist as well as participate in specialist exercise sessions.

A lot is down to client preference as well as the requirements of their physiotherapist for example, who may wish to keep a check on the marked improvements of their patients health that exercise sessions bring. There may also be other health reasons evident that are monitored by a physio that can be unrelated to a low back pain occurrence.


A lot of research and development in various departments in recent decades has pointed to and supported the use of exercise to reduce pain. Exercise is now the recommended pathway for low back pain. In the past, prolonged bedrest was the recommended medical advice for managing back pain. The result of this was encouraging exactly the opposite. Further problems with inactive muscles.. weakening the muscles.

Lack of "self supporting activity" promoted very little by way of spinal support and strength building, as well as the associated reduction in joint mobility and stiffness of joints. Generally this simply repeated the cycle of back pain without addressing the root cause.


Non specific low back pain usually has multiple causes. Often weak muscles excacerbate the issue with poor support for the spine. This means loads down the spine are poorly supported by muscle. Basically speaking.

Exercise provides the strength building qualities as well as the improved mobility (range of motion) and flexibility as well as better cardiovascular health carrying nutrients to tissue. In many cases there are other conditions in tow such as obesity and even lifestyle issues that need to be addressed during the initial consultation.

It is also important that exercise is appropriate to the individual with adaptations where needed. There is no generic plan as each individual is different with causes, aggravations and symptoms. It is also important to remember that "non-specific" low back pain is not an illness but a symptom.


Low back pain relief begins with a consultation. This is free and we take a look at the bigger picture which means lifestyle strategies as well as appropriate exercise. Improvements are typically made in a short space of time.

Once we discover your current level of physically ability, a foundation is created to work from with exercise appropriate to you. We don't just focus on the back but the whole body to develop a balanced approach and address any weaknesses and areas that need work such as rebalancing muscles (there are often imbalances due to lack of exercise and lifestyle traits) and looking at functional movement issues too.

Sometimes scan results/medical reports are presented by my clients recommending exercise which provide useful information during the initial consultation phase. For more information on how I can help you then simply get in touch...

...and thankyou for reading this blog post.

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