Low back pain is such a varied topic, but there is more to it than just doing a few exercises. Any exercise program has to be appropriate for that person.
A point to also note is (and I've said it a thousand times before) that each individual is different. The generic assumption of just lifting a few weights is damaging to the perception of exercise and LBP. (Especially for non-exercisers).
What do I mean? Some who approach me for their low back pain are well aware of the benefits of exercise and ARE physically active, leading busy lives. Some have even been established gym goers for decades, weights, cardio and even outdoor running.
Many don't need to be educated about the benefits of exercise. They already know.
What they need to know is how to manage and improve their current condition with exercise appropriate to them. Simply because they have aggravations deriving from their back (disc issues for example) and want to know what they are doing wrong despite all that exercise.
Often a program revamp required. It is a case of working around an issue to provide maximum benefit. In my experience there are two main points that surface with lifters and back pain. (Even non LBP).
1. Bad technique. (Technique is there for a reason).
2. Lifting far too heavy. (Heavy doesn't mean progress).
This is the reason why some form of assessment must take place to discover a persons current ability, past history and build a foundation to move forward and reduce pain/aggravation.
Would you like to know more? Would you like to understand your back better and learn how to exercise better? Get the specialist exercise advice for low back pain. Why not book your free video call consultation?
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