There are many exercises for the back and this one is called the cat camel. Simply called because of the two exaggerated movements. It is difficult to specifically state that this is suitable for every low back pain case, because the video does not take into account an individuals back pain circumstances.
It is however a great exercise that is often used with back pain clients in relation to mobilising the spine. The cat camel is a gentle exercise that avoids pressure on the spine which is why there is a leaning to this exercise being commonly used.
It is easy to forget that the spine indeed has moveable structures that make up the spine itself known as the vertebrae. Ligaments and muscles connect and support these structures. The spine is also one of the strongest areas of the human body and naturally moves. It bends, it rotates and has a role in almost every action we do.
The issue with many low back pain cases is that when there is pain, the first thought on that persons mind is to "freeze", avoid movement and do as little as possible. Often muscles are tight, strained or unbalanced or there can be a direct issue with the bony structures themselves such as degenerative disc disease.
The cat camel exercise is one of those exercises that provides movement confidence for the spine. The gentle "wave" movement is a good place to start and can ease muscle stiffness too. Many find this action therapeutic even though it isn't necessarily physically demanding.
Some with an actual medical diagnosis of a certain disc disease have found this exercise useful to keep the spine moving. When strength and movement confidence improves, the stepping stones are laid to progress to more challenging exercises to counteract low back pain.
A lot of exercise success with low back pain comes down to appropriate exercise for that particular individual. How so? There are numerous causes and possible complication for the causes of back pain. The cat camel may not be suitable for all if there is evidence of a back "extension" issue that aggravates pain.
A person may not be able to hyper extend or do certain twisting movements depending if there are specific bone issues, but they may well be able to do this exercise with no problem. On the other hand they may not. Any exercise suitability is determined by an assessment.
The beauty of this exercise is that it is essentially a "foundation" or basic exercise that can be done anywhere and with no equipment. The limbs provide the support and the arms must be in line with the shoulders for stability and avoiding awkward angles. The knees are apart for stability so the focus is purely on the spinal movement.
Rising as high as you can with the back, and then depressing the back creates the movement. This exercise could be done for as long as three minutes and two or three times per week to maintain a level of spinal mobility. As always, exercise videos here are demonstrations that do not take into account any specific cause of low back pain..... a persons ability or any other circumstances without a consultation.
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